Saturday, May 1, 2010

Taylor Swift

You might know Taylor Swift as country's new music sensation, but she is known for much much more. She's been in the movie "Valentine's day" With Bradley Cooper, Ashten Kutcher, Queen latifah, Taylor Lautner, Georage Lopez, Emma roberts, and much more.
She has been on covers of magazines. She can write a song as fast as 30 min. and have it as a hit single. There are many things great about Taylor's life, but when she was a girl she wasn't the most popular in school in fact one day taylor asked her friends if they wanted to go to the mall, but they all said they were "busy" So her mother, Andrea Swift, took her to the mall herself. When the got there Taylor bumped into her friends. They all went without her. She was very sad so her dearing mother took her to a better mall that was far away just to make her feel better.
Taylor Swift has many songs about her Ex's and how she feels, but in one of her songs "the best day" she talked about her brother, Austin Swift, And her father, Scott Swift. One of the reasons Taylor was able to sing in front of many people was when her Grandmother (who was an opera singer) Would stand up in church and sing. Taylor's other role models are Tim McGraw, Garth Brooks, and LeAnn Rimes. She always says how much she is greatful for where she is right now.

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