Sunday, May 2, 2010

Kate Gosselin

You might know Kate Gosselin from her TV show "John and Kate Plus Eight" But ever since John Gosselin cheated on KAte it's been hectic. Kate opened up to Acces Hollywood and told them a tragic story you might not have known Kate and he Ex husbund, John, were suppose to have septuplets, But the seventh baby girl died during birth. They were going to call her Alexis, "I didn't spend time maybe grieving or dealing with the fact that there was a seventh baby. ... It makes you wonder like, who would this baby have been? Alexis still asks about her and so I wanted to kind of include that in her letter." Kate also said "As you know, our seventh baby now lives in heaven with Jesus and went there when she was very tiny." KAte Gosselin is also on Dancing With The Stars and if you might have heard her and her dance partner were not getting along.
After a lukewarm performance during the premiere of "Dancing with the Stars" last week, the reality star's ex-wife, Kate Gosselin, returned Monday only to have her partner quit and the judges call her performance a "nightmare." "I don't get it?" Kate said "Everyone always quits on me" While crying.
After a few episodes of Dancing with the stars it was time for the vote off. KAte said how she feels she had really grown over the past few weeks. But did she make it?......No! Too choked up to talk at first, her partner Tony said, "I give her all the credit in the world." Kate dabbed tears away from her eyes. "It doesn't matter how much things go against you, you still come out and give it your best," he told her.

Kate continued to wipe her nose and eyes. "It's OK. I'm sorry I'm crying. I'm a crybaby. ... Honestly I cannot wait to watch the rest of these people perform on Monday nights."

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