Monday, May 3, 2010

Justin Beiber heartthroab or heartbreaker?

Girls are going crazy about this 16 year-old heart throab. His music his style and his looks have gone all over the world. So many girls just drull over this music hotty. In Australia at 7:40 Am would be his first and only tour in Australia, but at 2:00am a rumor started that Justin had appeared early and all the fans (girls) started going wild. In fact 10 of the girls fainted and were rushed to the paramedics luckily they were ok. Justin said "I woke up this morning to the police canceling the show for safety reasons," the heartthrob later tweeted. "I'm very happy about the welcome and the love from around the world, but I want everyone to still remember my fans safety comes first... At the end of the day I want you all to enjoy the music...I’m very proud of this album and I want you all to enjoy it." That just shows how much all the girls are into JUSTIN! (he sucks)!


  1. WE must keep in our emotions of people and make sure we are not affensive unless prof.
