Monday, May 3, 2010

Is it true that Carrie Underwoods is engaged?

Yes its true Carrie Underwood is engaged to Canadian hockey player, Mike Fisher. The couple couldn't be happier, says her publicist.The 27-year-old Underwood and her 29-year-old Fisher, who plays for the Ottawa Senators, began dating. They were hooked up by friends following one of her concerts in Toronto."You are the most amazing addition to my life. I thank God for you every day...xoxo Carrie."Said Fisher.The couple have yet to set a wedding date...or say whether she'll be changing her name to Carrie Fisher.But they have decided to try to keep it a small wedding.

1 comment:

  1. And if i might add. He also said he would love her and marry her even if she was 800 pounds!
